Wednesday, November 25, 2009


First attempt making home-made noodles last night. Sure hope I don't give the family food poisoning on Thursday. I'm going to miss having the boys, Randy & Susan all together with us, but am thankful to have mom and dad coming to spend the day with us.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nuno Felting

Took a Nuno felting class at the Art Center in Broadripple. Mom joined me - we had a great time, but it sure is a lot of work. Lots of standing and lots of working with your upper body. Probably wouldn't need to go to the gym if you did this every day.

Emily Clark taught the class. She has a business - check her out on
Very cool gal. She is an excellent instructor with a great personal backstory. She's worked in London and made hats for the royal family and for the Sex and the City movie. Good times.