Monday, June 21, 2010

With Peter Sagel - Chicago - June 2010

Went to see the recording of the NPR show Wait Wait Don't Tell Me on June 10. What a great time! Of course, I elbowed my way to the front of every line. Hey, it's general admission seating... gotta do what ya gotta do to get the best seat in the house. No really, we were LITERALLY the first people in line and going through the door.

The panel included Charlie Price (not so funny) and Paula Poundstone (still dressing like she's in 1980 - big hair and big shoulder pads - but very funny). Don't recall who the third panelist was. The entire show was such fun. Carl Kassle is just as I pictured - an older gentleman who keeps things on track, basically. Peter Sagal is AWESOME ! He's a super quick wit.... funny, funny, funny - an intelligent funny. Excellent evening. I rate this 2 thumbs up - especially if you are already going to be in Chicago (downtown) on a Thursday evening. Just buy tickets well in advance - these shows sell out the day tickets go on sale.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Snow Peas in June

Hurray for Snow Peas - these are Snow Wind peas - and my first attempt at growing peas. Though we put stakes and ran line for the peas to climb, apparently they grow significantly taller than we anticipated. The good news is - they will just turn south, creep down the lines and then grow north again. They have blossoms, and then out of nowhere (it seems) the pods are there. Beautiful peas. It amazes me that a $1.69 pack of seeds that had been sitting in the drawer in the kitchen for "many moons" could produce this row of goodness.

Gosh, I sure love working in the garden - seeing this food grow up from a small seed or plant. All it needs is a bit of water, a little sun, and some TLC (that means weed pulling!). Lovely.