Monday, December 27, 2010

Volunteer work for December

December was a fun month for volunteering !

First volunteer outing was with the Indpls International Film Festival group. We held an early screening (a week before the theatre release) of True Grit. This is a remake by the Coen Brothers. Apparently it more closely follows the book than the original, and had quite a few funny moments. Even better, Nathan (my oldest nephew) is an extra in a couple of scenes near the end.

Second volunteer outing was with the Carmel First United Methodist Church / Angel Tree. Basically, there is a parent in prison who requests through the prison chaplain or the church, that their child / children be given a gift on their behalf. I had the pleasure of going with 3 other church members - a couple named John and Jackie, and another gal named Sue. We had 8 stops on our route, with one being particularly rewarding. There was a darling little boy - maybe 4 years old. When the gifts had been given to his mom to be put under the tree, he threw his arms around John and gave him a big hug. Totally made Christmas beautiful and special. Hope everyone out there had an incredible moment like that during this special season.

Pokagon State Park

This is the view looking down from the top of the tobogan run at Pokagon State Park. The run is iced ... mildly bumpy ... but fun ! As you crest the 2nd hill, look to the left - there's an electronic sign that gives your speed. We reached 37 mph with 3 adults on one of the larger toboggans.