Sunday, February 13, 2011

Traderspoint Creamery Hand Milking and Hot Chocolate

Traderspoint Creamery and our tour guide - Paula Jay - were a delight. Interesting and devoted to utilizing the land and bringing products to market that are healthy and sustainable. At the same time, they incorporate a manure run-off pond with a solar panel which is ultimately used to fertilize the fields. I love this full circle mindset.

The cattle at Traderspoint are 100% grassfed, with workers mindful of not overstressing the cattle. Unlike the Fair Oaks Farm operation in northern Indiana, mother cows are kept with their babies. While the caretakers of these great animals watch over them with a careful eye, the ladies also have the TLC of the bull - Dennis.

Traderspoint has approximately 200 cattle (of Swiss origin) with about 70 currently being milked twice a day (6 cows at a time). The farm includes approximately 150 aces on the original property with another 50 or so acres and hay production on outlying farms / properties.

For a bargain price of $100 for a group of 10, Jay (as she is called) gave us a tour of the operation, demonstrated the proper way to milk the cow - which we were then lucky enough to try, and then brought hot chocolate made from delicious Traderspoint chocolate milk.

Interesting barns with so much character were dismantled and brought to the property from other locations in Indiana. I believe the barn that holds the store and restaurant was originally from Bluffton, and is quite lovely.

Paul & I have eaten here - we were able to sit on the outer deck on a beautiful evening - and watched deer graze in the meadow below. Good food and great scenery.

Beyond the Hand Milking and Hot Chocolate tour, the farm offers other tours as well as summer camps and Jay is going to be introducing more hiking and informational opportunities. I love this place!