Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wolf Park

Wolf Park is a cool place just outside Lafayette (Battle Ground) - only an hour from Indpls. The wolves are in enclosures, but you are able to get within a couple feet of them through the fences. A short afternoon at the park includes a hunting demo with a wolf and small herd of bison (this is only a demonstration - the wolves do not actually attack the bison). There is a feeding demonstration - the wolves eat roadkill deer. And there are walking tours which give a great overview of these beautiful animals, as well as the coyotes and 3 resident fox.
Wolf Park also offers "howl nights" and a variety of seminars. Apparently the photography seminar actually gives the opportunity to get in the enclosures with the wolves.
Entry fee is $8 / adult. Worth the money to support this place. Check out their website:

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